posted on September 24, 2024 21:08

This majestic specimen was recorded by cameras placed by the binational team from WCS Guatemala and Honduras in the Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve in Honduras.
The jaguar, a symbol of the forests of Mesoamerica, is threatened in the Honduran Moskitia, mainly due to deforestation for cattle ranching in prohibited areas within protected zones, as well as illegal hunting associated with these clearing processes.
The Limi Tara (great jaguar in the Miskito language) sees its territory increasingly reduced, along with the populations of its natural prey. Human greed is leaving no space for nature, and it is our duty to conserve these natural riches for future generations.
As a well-known indigenous leader, Don Donaldo Allen (R.I.P.), used to say:
"La Moskitia belongs to the indigenous peoples. Some have already passed away, some are alive, but the majority are yet to be born."
Registration made with the support of the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund.