admin_rpaz posted on febrero 05, 2016 17:00

As of January 2016, all of the nests from the 2015 season have hatched out and been excavated. We are happy to have completed another record-breaking season with 546 nests and an estimated 51,735 hatchings gone to sea. For clutches where at least one egg hatched, the hatching success (number of hatchlings to have exited their eggs) was 75.1% and the emerging success (the number of hatchlings that left the nest and presumably went to sea) was 74.6%. A detailed annual report will be published in the coming months, so please stay tuned!
WCS would like to thank the following people and groups for providing the dedication and support that enabled us to do our jobs protecting hawksbill turtles in the Pearl Cays Wildlife Refuge in 2015:
- WCS staff members Pamela Fletcher, Laura Irvine, Rodolfo Chang, William McCoy, Keffrey McCoy, Byron “Coco” Blandon, Antony Sambola, Kessey Johnson, Nardica Simeon, Keith Bennett, Roberto Rigby, Mayesda Matamoros, and Harvey Antonio.
- All local community members of the Pearl Lagoon basin and out in the Pearl Cays, especially the watchmen and their families, and local fishermen who cooperated with the project by donating turtles or helping protect nests.
- The Territorial Authority of the Indigenous and Ethnic Communities of the Pearl Lagoon Basin, the Municipal Council of the Pearl Lagoon Municipality, the South Atlantic Autonomous Regional Council (CRAAS), the Secretariat of Natural Resources (SERENA), and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MARENA).